
Runners: Should You Wear Shorts Over Your Tights?

When it comes to the old pair, few men’s fashion combos cause as much controversy as shorts over tights.  Well, maybe socks and sandals.  Yeah, just don’t. Fashion fudge-ups aside, whether pounding the terra out...
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Slay Summer Festivals With Men’s Fashion Leggings

Photo: @crobotband You know what freedom looks like? Wearing leggings to a summer festival. If you’ve done it, you know what you mean. If you haven’t – boy oh boy, you do not know what...
Eclipse Semi-Shine Meggings

Meggings: Where Style Meets Substance

You’ve probably noticed that men’s leggings have become the go-to item of clothing for so many guys over the last few years – from the savage warrior running an ironman to the stylish dude in...
What to Wear if You Work From Home thumbnail

Men's Loungewear: What to Wear if You Work From Home

Picture: @black_metal_lawyer on Instagram. Leggings shown: Golden Cobra Men’s Leggings There are a truckload of benefits caused by the work from home revolution.  No more weeping at the wheel stuck in a dark and drizzly...
Buyer's Guide to Finding the Best Men's Running Tights

Buyer's Guide to Finding the Best Men's Running Tights

Maybe you run because you like pounding the pavement. Maybe you run because you like pounding the booze, and you wanna live past 50. Maybe you run to take the edge off life, and the...
Recovery Tights vs Compression Tights: What's the Difference?

Recovery Tights vs Compression Tights: What's the Difference?

Recovery tights? Compression tights? They’re the same thing right? Slap ‘em on, go workout  and keep those pigstrings, quads and calves all nice and sweet.  Whoaaa… hold on there big fella.  There is a difference...
Guys in Tights: The New Athleisure Trend for Men

Guys in Tights: The New Athleisure Trend for Men

Let’s face it – when it comes to workout fashion, the ladies have been killing it for some time now. But us fellas have been slow to embrace the move towards workout gear that fits,...
We Climbed Australia's Highest Mountain Wearing Kapow Meggings

We Climbed Australia's Highest Mountain Wearing Kapow Meggings

Sounds pretty impressive, right? And it is. We assure you. DISCLAIMER: Australia doesn't really do mountains. Our highest, Mount Kosciuszko, is 2228 metres above sea level. So it's more if a hill. But we conquered...
A British badass with a killer wit and a penchant for cosplay,

Are Men’s Leggings Becoming Popular? These TikTok Male Influencers are Making Guys in Tights a Fashion Trend

Fashion’s a fickle little thang. Yesterday’s Slick Rick soon becomes tomorrow’s douchey Dave. One minute you're cool, the next you ain’t even in the freakin’ conversation. But, as the old saying goes... style is temporary,...