Are Men’s Leggings Becoming Popular? These TikTok Male Influencers are Making Guys in Tights a Fashion Trend

Fashion’s a fickle little thang. Yesterday’s Slick Rick soon becomes tomorrow’s douchey Dave. One minute you're cool, the next you ain’t even in the freakin’ conversation.
But, as the old saying goes... style is temporary, class is permanent. And, in case you ain’t clued up with the facts of the matter, men in leggings have been classy since year dot.
A Brief History of Male Leggings
One sideways glance at the history books is all it takes.
Men wearing tights go all the way back to dapper dukes. These badass royals rocked it up top with moustaches manly enough to give a hipster some serious shrinkage and had hands down the best men’s leggings of their day.
And while we’re talking best men’s leggings, let’s not forget Shakespeare slippin’ on that sexy second skin and scribblin’ his mad genius.
Bullfighters in meggings, models in fashion tights, sports icons in men’s workout leggings… you name it buddy! Long story short – men in leggings look good and you know it.
The #TikTokLeggingChallenge
Despite a long lineage of rule makers and risk takers rocking meggings, some mugs still maintain men and leggings don’t mix. Well, that notion’s disappearing faster than a toupee in a hurricane.
With the TikTok legging challenge trending up a storm, men wearing tights is now standard. Just ask these influencers…
Whether struttin’ his stuff in home depot wearing a jet black cowboy hat and khaki meggings or powerlifting’ in high waisted compression leggings, bodybuilding coach and fitness model Maxwell Alexander is motivating dudes the world over to look sharp and train hard.
By surrendering to the infinite badassery of the universe, Yogi Bryan invites you to namaste classy with zen-level comfort. To get maxi chill, try a downward dog in a pair of yoga meggings. It’s only meditation… but I like it.
On a mission to normalize men wearing leggings in 2021, this cheeky weightlifting wisecracking Canadian is all about looking stylish while not taking shit too seriously. Here he is losing his shit about how comfortable the best men’s leggings are.
Not many men wearing tights can list mental coach, disc golfer and Almighty Thor on their resume. He is indeed a big kid at heart and, in between motivational messages that make you feel all gooey inside, this stacked softie rocks it in some of the best men’s workout leggings out there.
A British badass with a killer wit and a penchant for cosplay, this guy is inspiring tens of thousands to get suited and booted as their favorite comic book characters. Men wearing leggings inspired by superheroes is no longer cosplay. It’s life, baby.
Where to Get Your Own Pair of Leggings for Men
Okay, so we’ve convinced you that men wearing leggings is the absolute shizzle and you wanna know where to get them?
Whether you wanna know where to buy leggings with designs or one color, we’ve got you covered. Here’s our expert wisdom on how to nab yourself a pair of the best men’s leggings.
Steal them from a superhero
Not the easiest way to procure a pair of meggings, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. Every superhero’s gotta have their costume to hand, right? So, keep your eyes peeled, find that stashed away change bag and replace their shit hot superhero meggings with a pair of cheap ass sweatpants.
Hit the high street
The best option for anyone who likes pounding the pavement! Save yourself the blood, sweat and tears and buy online – unless you hate having men’s workout leggings delivered on a silver platter right to your door.
Go cheap & cheerful
Delving into the depths of the virtual bargain bin is certainly an option. You’ll save a chunk of change, of course. But you’ll have to put up with cheap fabric, holes in your crotch within a few months, terrible fit and absolutely zero return or exchange option if you don’t like ‘em.
Buy from the experts
Now we’re talking. You wanna know where to buy leggings with designs mad enough to turn heads? You wanna own those leggings like a boss? You wanna strut your mo’ fo’ stuff in comfort and feel like a rockstar? You want the confidence of buying from a brand that will bend over backwards for its customers and do free returns and exchanges in the USA and UK? Kapow is the answer my friend. We ain’t the experts for nothing, and have the biggest range of men’s leggings available anywhere!